
Arm Candy

This one tops my Christmas Wish List hands down.


Organise Myself

Finally! Managed to get a new organiser for myself (reluctantly!) Hoped to find one that I would love at first sight but I think that does not happen every year. Besides, I have too many criteria in choosing a perfect one that it gets really tiring.

It has to be compact, not bulky, not cutesy, enough scribbling pages, blah.

Every year when I bring forward my notes and clippings to the new book, I see a beloved picture that is dear to me. Things have changed but I hope in some ways it will not.. Since now two of them are blissfully hitched and beautiful mums. :)

Look forward to filling up December page with more Christmas events. (if any is coming my way!)

Time flies!


Sex & The City Wedding Edition Collector's Pack

Spot this on a magazine, went to trusty Amazon.com and they are selling this on discount!

- Absolutely Love -

However, it may not be able to play on my DVD machine. Risk or not?


The Necessary Opening Speech

First and foremost, welcome to Vintage Papillon. Thank you for being one of the first to visit my 2nd corner of escape following Deery Lou Aromas. Being a bit of a techno lag, I have only just discovered the addictive element of blogging.

Vintage Papillon means Vintage Butterfly. In total French, Papillon De Cru should be it. However, most blog names have been taken up and almost only the boring combinations of words are remaining. I wanted so much to name this blog Vintage Lilac; lilac being the most soothing colour I love and romantic vintage is my current style candy.

Inspirations and highlights of my thoughts and sights will ink here. Until I figure out how to dress up blog backgrounds and do fancy stuff with the template, please bear with boring colours and typical layouts. Or you can volunteer yourself with the customization of this space!

Anyway, click back once in a while and see you around. Est aimé!

Till my next post,