
Why is it always the toilet?

I can’t believe neighbour downstairs furiously knocked on our door 10pm last night to tell us their toilet is leaking from the pipes again and it should be from our apartment.

I can’t believe my contractor says it is his worker’s fault for missing out something during the 3rd attempt of fixing it by taking my toilet out from the concrete.

I can’t believe this Saturday, and if you have forgotten it is a Labour Day holiday, will potentially be a fix-reno-glitch day when our toilet will be out of action again.

I can’t believe this Saturday, which is a Labour Day holiday, I would most likely have to walk all the way to Tiong Bahru Market to relieve myself whilst fix-reno-glitch is going on.

I can’t believe on top of dealing with renovation going on upstairs leaking into our apartment, I’m still fixing my own apartment on a Labour Day holiday.

Ok, I’m done whining.

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